Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Goodbye 2008...

So to go along with my last post, here are some memories that made this year FABULOUS:

*First off, realizing that things will change no matter how bad or hard you want them to stay the same
*Realizing that some people are NOT meant to be together, no matter how much you think they should
*Finding out who my true friends are -- thank you for sticking through with me!!
*Boys suck. Well, sometimes. :] Haha!
*No matter how much a boy make break my heart, I've got my awesome gal pals to bring me back up.
*Making new friends!! SHAHALA! :], my Spirit Days girls, classmates, etc...
*Playing momma to my Spirit Days girls .. but sometimes they need to learn those lessons on their own ..
*Going to more parties in the Fall [gotta love those Alpha men!] *LoL*
*Seeing my awesome roomie graduating in May .. and also one of my best friends. May graduation was saaaad and happy all at the same time!
*Decemeber graduation was even more sad! As my roomie would put it "All your chocolate men are leaving you!!" <-- Thanks Katelyn! Haha!
*Doing things that I NEVER thought I'd do ..
*Still sticking with my major .. Even though I didn't get into the program the first time, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for next year!
*Realzing that I am STILL in school -- but when I do graduate, I will be with 2 bachelors and an associates! Take that! :]
*Spirit Days. Enough said there! :] Oh the memories from the summer. Set up crew - students hitting on me while signing up at registration - Bon qui qui - Heeeeey. Just checkin on ya. - Waldo & Waldo's Brother - the "fake" boyfriends to keep me away from one guy, who I later ended up dating for a bit! - the UH-MAZING skit put on by our crew!!! Just flat out amazing summer!!
*Sometimes that crush can turn into a new flame. Experiencing that right now, and LOVING it.
*Seeing one of my best guy friends cross into his Frat. LOVE YOU ANTUAN & ABI! A-phi-A
*Meeting some awesome girls that I hope one day I can call my sisters! No worries my KDChi girls -- I'll be there in the Fall '09!!! [Never thought I'd want into a sorority so much!]
*Bridges did burn with old friends but new one have been built with some amazing ones!!
*3 hours of car tagging with 2 amazing loves of my life! Priceless. Shahala: one day we will get your car! No worries.
*Even though life can feel like a roller coaster - just hang on for the ride! :]
*The nights of having too much to drink and confessing things to a certain someone .. thank goodness for him being such a great friend!
*Mucho-Gusto-Cosmo-Cuddle time with an awesome friend .. who is a guy! :]
*Cooking for friends!
*Random night at Toby's with Abi and Pete .. sooo much fun!
*MSU Football games when Kalen would come to visit!!
*Bonfire!! And the Alpha after-party with Fransico... oh blueberry, you make our lives fun!
*All the memories made in #421! Oh lord, if walls could talk.
*Chocolate river .. enough said. :]
*Fort Worth Zoo with Michele, Luke & Shahala. Soo much fun! "But mom - we want to see the lions!!" "You've just been pished!"
*Going to AlphaPollo with Katelyn and having such an eventful night! Guys qawking at us on the steps, McAlisters, random guy coming into the apt, hanging out the windom [literally], talking to guys while hangin out the window, becoming friends with the dancing drunk guy, goin to the After-Party with Antuan, then staying up til 5 in the morning. Then wakin up the following morning to flowers on my doorstep from Eddie. :]
*Surprise Valentines Day dinner from Eddie.
*Climbing into the school fountain .. hehe! :] We have pics to prove it.
*Going to the fair with Katelyn and acting like a kid again ... FUNNEL CAKES!!
*Traffic cones ... Enough said. :]
*Tiff getting into the Dental Hygeine program and celebrating . "I feel like Jesus!" <-- some people didn't find that so funny! Haha!
*Going to Krank It with Shahala and Michele and making new friends .. .haha! Those guys loved their pics being taken! haha!
*Celebrating my 22nd with Cassie and Cole @ Fast Eddie's playing pool and throwing back a few ..
*Painting the CCC with Franny and Michele ...
*Getting obsessed with Twilight and LOVING the movie! <-- thanks Shahala for that one! ha!
*Baking cookies for my frat guys who I love ... now, that's turn into a nice little side money for me! ha!
*Random road trips with friends ...
*Thinkin you know your friends and then you learn more and more about them everday.
*Having the most AMAZING roomie ever!!
*Stayin up 4 straight days working on a research paper -- with my awesome roomie! haha!
*Trying to brighten people's days with my laughter and trying to look at the positive side of things! [Not always the easiest! Haha!]
*Laughing so many times, at so many things, til tears come pouring down!
*Soo many memories that I would never trade for anything.
*Realizing that sometimes things get hard in life and we don't know why -- but as long as we have faith, we can get through anything with that and a SMILE! :]

I'm sure there are many, many, many more but these are the ones that stick out most in my mind. 2008 has been a great year and hopefully 2009 will be just as great, if not better!! Thank you to all my friends for sticking with me through my craziness! LOVE YOU ALL! :]

Hope everyone else had a great 2008 and wish you the best for 2009! Merry Christmas everyone and see you next year! :] Happy New Year as well! ]

Much love,

1 comment:

Shaholla said...

I love, love, love your list. It inspired me to do one. I'm honored that I was able to be mentioned a couple of times on it too. You helped make my 2008 as well. Next year will be just as great!