Friday, June 20, 2008


This saying could not be more true ... :)

So although this week started out a little rough, it got TONS better. It's like I always say, it's just amazing how things turn out when you least expect them. I still do believe that certain people are put in your life for a reason. And thank the good lord up above that I have some AMAZING people in my life that make me happy! :)

One exciting thing from this weekend is that I'm going up to Connecticut in August to see one of my best friends! OMG. So excited! We are gonna drive over to Boston and see where I would want to live after I graduate [which I feel like won't be for another decade and a half]! Haha! :) But I am very excited to not only see her but just to go back to Boston! *sigh* Can't wait!! :)

Pretty pumped about my mom going to California next week! She's going to have so much fun! I wish her layover was long in Dallas cause I would totally drive over to see her while she waits! But I think she's only going to be there for 30 mins. Not long enough.

So as I was reading the news today, I noticed an interesting article. In Massachusetts, there are 17 high school girls that made a "pregnancy pact" to get pregnant so they all could have their babies together. One girl got pregnant from a 24 year old homeless man. seriously. I understand friends wanting to have babies together so they grow up together and what not but when you are between 13-17.. wow. I know it's not a particular goal that I had in mind when I was that age. I could IMAGINE having a baby then. I can't even imagine having one now. I just feel like it makes you grow up faster than you need to.

I did discover one thing about females this week. We tend to over-react at the smallest things and we tend to make small things seem like an atomic bomb went off when in all reality it was just a little firework. And it's not a good feeling knowing you over-reacted either. But it just reminds yourself that one needs to get all the facts straight before they send their wrath upon someone. Haha!

Oh. Isn't it amazing how ONE text message can change the ENTIRE mood of the day? I had that happen yesterday and let me tell you, it just set the mood for the rest of the afternoon and even transfered my mood to today! Gotta love it.

So this weekend is going to be full of hanging out with friends and just relaxing. I'm really pumped about Spirit Days and all the parents that I have become BFFE with over the phone! :) Haha!

I'm also ready for the weekend that I get to go HOME!!! CAN'T WAIT! I'm just ready for 4th of July and all the festivities that come with that! Fair on the Square, cooking out, watching fireworks ... *sigh* And I can't wait to just hang out with the family! It's going to be soooo nice!

Well, I hope everyone had a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend! :)

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