Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Just ugh. I'm feeling MAGENTA right now. Hopefully it's just a 24 hour thing. If ya don't know what magenta is, feel free to go to one of my previous posts and find the Golden Girls reference. :)

So the 3 day weekend was fabulous. Saturday was a little too fabulous actually. But that's a different story for a different time.

I do like starting classes on Tuesday. For one, it feels like a Monday and then wha-la! It's Wednesday! :)

Today was a good day actually. Went non-stop from 11 til about 9ish tonight. I have discovered there are pros and cons about going non-stop. Pro.) You stay busy and the day goes by quicker. Con.) You are dead ass tired at the end of the day. Haha!

One valuable lesson I learned today was: It's all about who you know and then connections you make. It will amaze you on where connections can get you.

So this semester I'm taking a Sociology class on Family Violence. Tonight was the first night that we start the class material. I think I'm really going to like that class. The only bad thing is that it reminds me of the bad memories of being in an abusive relationship. I look back on it now and I wonder what made me stay in that situation at that time. He was not good for me at all, obviously. But in the end, I did learn A LOT not only about myself but about life in general. I know that sounds odd but you don't know until you are in that spot.

So now on to boys. As much as boys sucks sometimes, us girls can't help but heart them. Especially when you get to see them while you are at work. ;) It's pretty much the highlight of the afternoon. I had an interesting conversation with my dad today that consisted of this:

Me: "So o.m.g dad! I was talking to Pete the other day and he says that [anonymous boy ;)] knows that I like him! Well that he has an idea anyways."

Dad: "Umm, bran? Isn't that kind of the point of liking someone? That they find out so you know where it might or might not go?"

Me: "Good point. But still! He's not suppose to know!"

Hilarious conversation. Just had to be there. :) But yes, this particular fella knows that I like him. I'm not saying it's a bad thing at all. Just a tad unexpected. Although I think that he enjoys messing with me. Which is fine. Haha! But he is such a sweet guy and has this smile that makes ya go "ahhhhhhh... " and makes butterflies and rainbows appear. Well, not that intense but you get the drift. Haha! He looks like he would know how to treat a girl and take care of her. Like let's say I'm his GF and I go up to him and give him a hug and be like "ugh. Today was a bad day dear." and he being like "I'm sorry honey. Would you like me to make you dinner? Or how about a back massage?" But then again, all [well most] of the guys on the S.U.Crew look like they would be that way. Haha! Nothing wrong with that. :)

Alright, enough about them boys. :) Hehe! Oh P.S -- boys that stay with something that they know is not good for them, needs an intervention and needs to be shown that there is something so much better for them out there.

I'm pretty pumped about the end of this week and then weekend. Alot going on and just alot of fun to be had. Although I feel like the "Spirit Days Mom" to some of these girls! haha! I'm like "Yeah you can party it up with us but you ride with me cause I know how these guys are." Haha!

First football game is this weekend!!! WHOO HOO! Can't wait! LOVE football season!!! :)

Well hope the remainder of this week goes as awesome as last week! Hope everyone's week goes just as well!! Much love!!

P.S Michele -- glad you didn't die on the ladder today. I would have been sad. I would have bought you flowers. Maybe. :) Haha!!! J/K I *heart* you!


Michele said...

okay so this is what i am thinking.... 1) guys do stink and they need to learn to be less attractive and sweet and 2) if i were to die i would have loved your flowers!! hahahahah can you believe that no one came to my rescue??

Shaholla said...

You and your dad's convo is so right on!!! How is anything going to happen if he doesn't know?? If only there was a way to let them know without the chance of getting hurt.. hmmm.. I'll think on that and get back to you.

Go Mustangs!