Monday, September 22, 2008

Can we please have 3 day weekends?

'Ello loves!

So Mustang football is 3-0! Whoo hoo! I'm pretty pumped! Hope we continue to have a great season!

So this weekend was pretty good. Very mellow and low key which is what I like. Caught up on my homework that I didn't realize how behind I was. Not good. But good that I'm caught up now.

Last week was good also. Just so tiring. Thursdays really kick my butt with classes going from 9:30 to 7pm. But it all pays off since I don't have any Mon-Wed-Fri classes. One great thing from last week is that I got to talk to one of my best friends that graduated in May. First time I've gotten to talk to her since she got married in June. I love talking to her because we always pick up right where we left off. It's like we never skipped a beat. We got all caught up with each other and what's going on in our lives. I love having friends like that! :) Always makes the day better! There is also another positive thing going on right now that I won't blog about just yet but I'm loving where it's going. It made my week so grand!

I was just thinking the other day how much is going on in my life and I'm loving it. :) Whether it be positive or negative, it's still amazing stuff. If someone were to tell me during my Freshman year that all this would be going on now, I would never believe them. But that is what life is all about. Just having fun and experiencing things. They are the things that help you grow and become who you are.

Alright, enough of my sappy life stuff. Haha! I am soooooo excited about Family Weekend this week!! :) Whoo hoo! Can't wait to see my family! I haven't seen them since I believe on 4th of July. No wait, I take that back -- the last session of Spirit Days is the last time I saw them. So the end of July. Wow. I'm just ready for some bonding time with the fam. They haven't been down here in a year and they haven't seen my new apt so we are pumped to have them here! :)

So today has really been a Monday. Ya know how Monday's are never the best days of the week anyways. Well, this is proof of it. Haha! It's not so bad actually. Just some people have definitely brought their 'Monday Attitudes', if ya know what I mean! haha! jk. But seriously.

I always love how the smallest thing can really brighten my day. I got to see my best friend that I haven't seen in like 2 weeks today and it just brightened my day COMPLETELY! Love his hugs. Talking to him today was good. I mean we joked, laughed, cried.. ok, not cry but you get the gist of it. Although we've been through alot of crap in the matter of like a month, he's still my best friend and I wouldn't trade him for anything. Although sometimes I want to run his foot over with his bike. No lie. But he'll always have a piece of my heart. As cheesy as that sounds.

Well that is all for now! Hope everyone has a great day!!! Much love to all! :) :) :) :)

1 comment:

Shaholla said...

Well it looks like you got your three day weekend.. and left me here to work. wah wahh. Have fun at home!