Tuesday, July 15, 2008

cRaZy how things work ...

So Spirit Days this weekend was fab-U-lous!!! :) I must admit that it was one of the best sessions that I've worked! I think the best part was our organization fun! Soo much fun! It's always fun when the greeks do their little stepping and showing off. Although we were saying, we might have to get a cage for cage fighting next time! ha! :) But all in all it was such a fun weekend! I am still tired and dragging along but it's all worth it in the end. Now we are Transfer Day coming up which frightens me because the group is bigger than the last 2 sessions. Holy.Crap.

So one thing I discovered, well reminded me, this weekend about girls is that we are so un-predictable. And it drives me nuts when guys think that they know what we are thinking or they think they know what we want... WHEN WE'VE TOLD THEM WHAT WE WANT! GRR! Sorry-- it's just that one fella really drove me nuts this weekend. I also decided that when it come to guys, it's all about having fun and just enjoying life. I have came to the conclusion that I am just too young to be thinking about settling down. I'm only 22! I can't believe that like half of our graduating class is married and what not. And that's great for them. That may work for them but as for me, that's just not my thing right now. It's still fun to flirt with guys and just have fun. Although I haven't done that in a while, it was fun to do that this weekend! :) Must say, there were some cuties at this weekend's sessions! But some are just too young for me. It's like "Hi. I would like an apple martini and as for my boyfriend, oh, a glass of milk" kind of young. Ha! Well not that bad but I'm just saying. Ha!

So a lady told me on the phone today that I made her day better. Which in turn, made my day better as well. I was helping her get registered for Transfer Day and she thanked me for being so kind and that she never once got upset with me. People like that totally make my day. :)

P.S I love when friends have inside jokes. It's just the best things that friends could have between them, I believe. It's even funnier when people have NO CLUE what you are talking about! Ha! It's great. True story.

I have come to the conclusion that this summer has been filled with all the unexpected things. In May, I had in my mind what kind of summer this was "suppose" to be. Umm yeah. It's been total opposite of that. It's been like a roller coaster summer. It's had it's up ups and it's down downs. I understand that life is like that in general but for some reason it's just been for this summer. Sometimes things go as planned but not this time. I feel like I've really spiritually and mentally grown about some things. I see certain things in different ways and I've even noticed a small change in me as well. Not bad change but things like my opinions and views. For example, I was one of those "anti-sorority" girls. And now, I've given it a second thought. Which totally threw my parents for a loop! Ha! But just little things like that. It's really been an eye-opener for me. But a good eye opener. :)

So totally got pulled over last week. Friday to be exact. Yeah not fun. The idiot gave me 2 tickets. One was totally my fault. My inspection sticker is out. Has been for almost a year. HA! And then he gave me a ticket for my name not bein on the insurance. Umm excuse me. It's my mother's car and she insured it. Ugh. Very frustrating. So now I get to take care of that tomorrow. Whoo.Hoo. That should be fun.

Well I guess that's all for now. I'm still so tired. Prolly going to take a shower and chill for the evening! :) Have a great day! :)

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