Thursday, July 31, 2008

Oh Why Oh Why Must We Be Crazy?

So Spirit Days '08 is finally over. I must admitt that I'm kinda sad to see it end. I do remember in the beginning I was like, "Don't know how this summer is going to turn out. I'm not too sure on the changes or the new crew." but as it came to an end, I was sad. I've made some awesome friends (PC wise and incoming student wise). And talk about the memories. Oh lordy. I didn't think one group could quote sooo much YouTube videos and not get tired of it. Pretty much amazing. It made it even funnier when people had NO CLUE what we were talking about. Then we got the lovely opportunity to enlighten them on what we were talking about! Priceless. But all in all it was a great summer. Even with the creeper guy that wouldn't stop following me. Ha! Just some pics to remember SD '08 by:

Did have a great time though! So much laughter was involved that my abs seriously hurt after our PC dinner one session. Can't beat that. :)


So to go along with my title, girls are crazy. I know I've said this before, but we really are. Let me explain. Why must we girls go back to something that we know will more than likely hurt us in the future? I even have friends that keep an eye on me to make sure I don't go do that certain something and yet I keep telling myself that everything's ok, when in reality, it really isn't. I know that in the long run I'll get hurt again and yet I keep psyching myself out. Why? I have no clue. I even tell myself all that bad things that have happened b/t us in the past and even still I'm like "Things will change." UGH. And then guys know when a girl is ticked off at them too cause then they do something so sweet out of the blue and then we are like "Damn. Why must guys do this?!?!" A guy friend even confirmed that guys will play their "sweet" card and they know when they are doing it! But in their defense, us girls do that too. And P.S what is up with mixed signals? Whether it be actions or words, they suck. And plus girls are suckers for when it comes to sweet words. I know I am at least. Boys are just stupid. Well, some of them at least. There are still a few good ones out there. Just haven't found them yet. :) But in the end I know I should listen to my friends and realize that I need to stay away from the things that will hurt me (again.). But always easier said than done. I've only felt this way about one other person before. Things were so much easier when boys had cooties.


Have you had that feeling when something is going to happen? Whether it be big or small. I just have a feeling that Fall semester is going to be a big adventure. I just remember last Fall semester and oh boy that was interesting. One of the most memorable ones here at MSU. Fall is always awesome though. Football games, Homecoming, Family Weekend, etc just makes it awesome. Classes should be great as well. Then when you add in the social life. Oh boy. It's just going to be another interesting one. :)


So I've been havin my dreams again. I hate having them. They always wake me up in the middle of the night wondering if something is going on with my friends/family. These are the dreams that make me call people the next morning to make sure they are alright. What makes it worse is that usually something that happens in the dream is related to something that has happened or is going to happen to that person. For example, last summer I had a dream that my friend came up to me crying on my shoulder. That's all she did. So the next day I facebooked her and asked her how she was doin and then told her about my dream. Come to find out, her grandmother had just passed away. No lie. Weird? I think so. I had a similiar dream like that last night about another friend and it makes me scared to ask him if everything is alright. *sigh*


Random people are fun. We went out before Spirit Days and went to a place that I had never been to. SOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun! Here is a pic of two random guys who were dancing behind us and enjoyed having their pics taken:

They were entertaining actually. And funny! :) Anyhoo, this portion is really random but random people are just funny. Makes like interesting.
That is pretty much all for now. Thank the good lord above that tomorrow is pay day!!! :) AND FRIDAY! :)

1 comment:

Shaholla said...

First off.. spirit days session III was awesome. Those pictures prove it. And secondly, take your time. Your heart has held on to those feelings for a long time, you can't expect them to be gone in an instance. And even though its hard, knowing he's playing you will make it easier in the end.
And until then, you've got people to keep you smiling. Aicha..Aicha, ooo..ooooo.