Wednesday, July 2, 2008

This time tomorrow ...

So this time tomorrow evening, I'll be home celebrating the 4th of July weekend with the family!!! Gosh, can't wait! :) It's gonna be so amazing to finally relax and spend some good quality time with them! Hope everyone else has a fabulous weekend as well! Don't get into too much trouble!


Spirit Days weekend came and went without a hitch! Pretty amazing for it being the first session! It was so awesome meeting the kids we helped register over the phone! Sometimes it's creepy and they are like "Hey you're the one we talked to on the phone.. " or "Oh we know who you are .." But kids and parents like that just make it so worth it! Some of the kids were so hilarious and being around them almost make you feel great because you know that you had a part in welcoming them to campus. It's even more awesome that they recognize you when Fall semester starts too. This Spirit Days we did get nicknames which totally made the weekend more awesome! Due to the smallness of our backpacks and the bright color shirts [and plus me being Hispanic .. haha!] I am Dora , Michele is Diega, Shahala is Mapy, Fransico is Boots and we just decided that Sue is Backpack. Pretty much amazing and it was even more hilarious that we annoyed the hell out of people when Michele and I would sing the song. Priceless. Oh then there was the tennis ball.. hehe! That kept me sane although it made some others go insane. :) All in all it was a great Spirit Days! Our Real World skit was pretty awesome and I'm glad I was able to be a part of that! :) Can't wait for the other 2 sessions! They are gonna rock just as hard! Here are some memorable quotes from the weekend:

"She does tricks on the East side just to get a quick fix.." -Dustin and AnTuan to our waitress at Golden Corral [talking about Michele]

"Oh bless you.." -AnTuan to our waitress for bringing out more plates

"I love how you act black .." -Michele to AnTuan

Shahala jumping the curb in 'ol Blue ... PRICELESS.

"Where's waldo?" -Shahala and I all weekend about a certain someone

"We are like the country fraternity.." -Us overhearing a certain frat describe themselves

A conversation between Jenn, Shahala and I over Monday breakfast:
J: "You didn't get any of the questionable oatmeal?"
B: "That was oatmeal?! I was wondering what that was."
S: "They look like beans."

"Ahh you bastard." -Shahala talking to her tater tots at breakfast .. one got a way...

"Boys are stupid.." -Michele and I pretty much all weekend ..

Those were just some of them. I am sure there are more but those are the ones that stand out the most in my mind. I really enjoy the counselors this summer. I got to know some of them this weekend and they are HILARIOUS! :) We did discover that Michele, Dustin, AnTuan and I are not allowed to all sit together because we continuously laugh. Our abs really got a work out, let me tell ya! True story. [All you Shahala!]


Today was a pretty awesome day in the office. I was pretty much there all day and totally didn't mind. It was awesome and I *heart* those ladies so much. They are the ones that make me day sometimes. Just continuous laughing. Which is what life is all about. :) I just can't wait til I hit the road to head home! Although that drive is boring at times, I love it at times. It's a nice drive to do some thinking and listen to some awesome music. [btw, thank you shahala for some new rockin' jams!] It's also time to just reflect about some things. Those are always the best drives! :)


Well I prolly won't blog til I get back on Sunday! So I hope everyone has a great and safe holiday break! Be safe while blowing stuff up! Much love to you all! :)

1 comment:

Shaholla said...

That tater tot was a little jerk! True story. haha.. it was a great time. Have a great holiday and I'll see you back on Monday!