Monday, June 16, 2008

Hopefully the start of better-ness..

So today is hotter than Satan's toe nails! Oh moly. When we went to hit around a few tennis balls today, my car said it was 106 degrees outside.[P.S Don't go hitting in the heat! It feels good to sweat but wow.] And I think a cold front has moved in cause it's gone down 6 degrees to 100. Better pull out the jacket. One good thing though, got a heck of a tan in 45 mins that we were outside! Yes!

So this week is already going better than last week. Which I'm SOOO happy for. Life is always so much better when you have the most awesome in your life to help you through things and it always helps to talk things out too. And hugs can always make things better! :)

Katelyn and I did discover something today while playing a game of tennis. We don't play like normal people. Now, let me explain before you go "WTCrap Brandy?" Ok, normal people lightly hit the ball back and forth usually with a bounce in between. Yeah, not with me and Katelyn. We hit with our hardest and we do so much more better when we hit the heck out of it to each other! Usually with the no "in between" bounce. It's a great stress reliever.

Also, I'm not allowed around dirty cars when I am tispy. Let me explain, the other night I was a tad 'relaxed' and decided I should write in the dirt on Katelyn's car. Apparently I wrote "You rock balls" Totally unaware of that until Katelyn told me today that her mom noticed it this weekend. Whoops. No more car writing for me in the future. So if you have a dirty car and I've had a few drinks, and I happen to be around your car.. BEWARE.

I also discovered today that there is a certain person that I can't be mad at .. at all. No matter how much I tell myself what that person has done, the minute I see that person, I'm like "How can you be mad at a face like that?!" Ugh. Boys and their stupid, beautiful smiles. Really makes a girl week in the knees.

With all that today, today was the first time in a while that I truly didn't have anything on my mind that bothered me. Which is a nice change for me. It was also nice at work with all the phone calls being NICE and FRIENDLY parents. Love it when that happens. I even found a girl that is going to be starting the RAD program that same time I will be. The mom is excited. I think she adopted me through the telephone. Sweet.

Well I guess I should get dinner done. And for dessert... my lovely cheesecake. [I've been told it's better than that from The Cheesecake Factory :)]

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